December 2005 "MIDDLE YEARS: Working together for school success" is available A downloadable copy of a parent resource newletter.
TS King Middle School thanks these companies and organizations for their support. List of contributors as of November 2005
Dedication of Steven J Dworetzky "The Robot Man" Memorial Hall Ceremony to be held Friday, November 18
BEAUTIFICATION DAY - OCT. 29TH See pictures of the King family working hard to clean-up and beautify our school!
2005 KING MS STATE TEST RESULTS Analysis of T.S. King Middle School's California Standards Tests Results
NOVEMBER 2005 PARENT NEWS IS AVAILABLE Downloadable copies of the pages of the Newsletter are available here.
KING MS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDEX (API) 2004 RESULTS The Academic Performance Index (API) reflects King MS's performance level based on statewide testing.