Class Procedures and Policies
Every student at Thomas Starr King Middle School will receive an agenda, free from the school. In this agenda, you will write down your daily homework assignments and keep track of important dates.
However, if you lose your agenda, you must purchase one from the Title I office for $5.00.
- All assignments to be submitted must be completed on loose-leaf paper, written legibly and neatly maintained.
- All Language Arts assignments to be submitted must be completed in black or dark blue ink, unless otherwise instructed. Homework assignments will be given Monday through Thursday. Homework and independent reading must be completed nightly.
- Homework Buddy: Pick two students from this classroom and exchange telephone numbers so that you can text them for missed work.
- All assignments must be submitted on their due dates.
- All assignments must have the correct heading with your name, the subject, period, and date.
- Any student caught cheating—giving or getting answers—will be subject to disciplinary procedures, including but not limited to earning a zero on the assignment.
If you forget to bring your homework on the day that it is due, you will take a note home to your parents to inform them. You MUST return the note to school the next day with your parent’s signature; otherwise, you may receive School Beautification as a consequence. (In other words, always remember to do your homework and bring it to school the next day.)
- If you are absent you are required to bring a note from your parents explaining the reason for your absence.
- If you are absent, you are required to call your homework buddies to find out what homework assignment you must turn in.
- Tardiness is unacceptable for any reason!!!
- Respect yourself and others. Disrespect, whether inside the classroom or outside, will not be tolerated.
- Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.
- Come to class prepared. Make sure you have all the materials you need. Make sure you have all the assignments that are due.
- Practice good listening skills while others are speaking.
- Be in your seat before the bell rings.
- Praise.
- Positive note home.
- Positive phone call home.
- A verbal or oral warning
- An email and/or phone call home
- School beautification
- A student and parent/guardian and teacher conference
Your academic grades will be based on the points you receive on your tests, quizzes, homework and class work, and projects. Academic grades are cumulative on the report card. The grades are calculated as follows:
A = 90-100% of possible points
B = 80-89% of possible points
C = 70-79% of possible points
D = 60 – 69% of possible points
F = 59% or fewer points
Work Habits
Work Habit marks are based on the class assignments and homework assignments you complete. Work Habits marks are calculated on a monthly basis.
E = All assignments are completed and submitted on time.
S = One to two late and/or missing assignments.
U = Three or more late and/or missing assignments.
Cooperation marks are based on your conduct in class. Cooperation marks are calculated on a monthly basis.
E = All rules and expectations are followed.
S = One to two warnings and/or consequences for negative behavior.
U = Three or more consequences for negative behavior.
Bring all materials to class daily. The following list is what you need for all Language Arts class.
- Loose-Leaf paper
- 1 composition book (any color cover)
- 3 pens (dark blue or black)
- 2 pencils
- 1 folder
- 2 highlighters
- A novel (at least 200 pages)
- Inexpensive ear buds (Optional)
- 4 GB Flash Drive (Optional)
- Art Supplies: Color pencils, crayons, safety scissors, glue stick (Optional)
Students must use the restroom before and after class, during breaks in the bell schedule. If an emergency arises, a student is allowed to go to the restroom in exchange for missed time after class is dismissed.
You are allowed to bring water bottles to class. You may drink only water during class. Because we are doing so many activities every period, you may only drink plain, non-flavored water, so that if it spills on the floor, you can clean it up easily.
These policies and procedures were established so that we use all of our learning time efficiently. Furthermore, we would like every student to follow these policies to ensure fairness for everyone. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do to help you achieve your best in class.