Course Syllabus
Informative Writing, and Persuasive or Argumentative Writing. In the first unit, students will explore
narrative writing; students will analyze fictional and nonfictional narrative texts. We will study the
features of narrative writing, such as conflict, rising and falling action, and protagonists and
antagonists. In the second unit, students will delve into research skills; they will explain, give
information, and clarify ideas in timed essays and 300-500 word compositions. In the third and final
unit, students will study persuasive writing; they will develop the skills to determine a writer’s
adequacy and appropriateness of evidence and develop arguments of their own.
Why Computer Science? Every 21st century student should have the opportunity to learn computer science. The basics of computer science help nurture creativity and problem-solving skills, and prepare students for a future in any field or career.
What is Computer Science Fundamental: Express? Computer Science Fundamentals: Express (CS Fundamentals: Express) is an introductory computer science course that empowers students to learn to create computer programs that will help them learn to collaborate with others, develop problem-solving skills, and persist through difficult tasks. They will study programming concepts, computational thinking, digital citizenship, and develop interactive games or stories they can share.
How is CS Fundamentals: Express graded? There are 28 lessons to be completed within an academic quarter. Most lessons will be completed in class, with a few lessons completed outside of class. Each completed lesson will be worth 10 points, which means that over the course of the academic quarter, students will earn grades as follows:
A 90 - 100% or 252- 280 points
B 80 - 89% or 224 - 251points
C 67 - 79% or 187 - 223 points
D 57 - 66% or 159 - 186 points
F 56% and lower or 158 points or fewer