We finished first in number of votes! Next, a jury will evaluate the top ten entries and announce a winner on December 6th. Fingers crossed!!! What a fantastic get-out-the-vote effort from our large King family. We voted and reached out to our community. And it paid off!!! Special thanks to King parent Emiliana Dore, who wrote the grant for our school and made it all possible!!!
High School Tour Info Magnet applications available at eChoices.lausd.netDeadline is November 10. (The application process for SAS is in April.)
King Student Wins Basketball National Championship! Sarkis Gafafyan doing some amazing things with his team!
'Middle School : The Worst Years of My Life' at King! King students treated to special, advanced screening!
T.S. King Middle School's Trip to Cuba! Students embark on their adventure from June 15th thru the 23rd.
Another Great Summer Learning Opportunity with 826LA in Echo Park 826LA, located at 1714 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026, phone number 213-413-3388, has a set free programs this summer for middle school students, including a 5-week English Language Learner Camp, a week long writing camp, and a 3-day Rocket Science workshop. Call 826LA today at 213-413-3388 to sign up for one or more of these exciting free educational summer programs.
Summer Program for Students at LA Trade Tech. College Units Available! The Los Angeles Trade Tech Community College is offering a summer program for K-12 students. Students may earn 3-6 college units. Please review the attached information with your homeroom students. Summer Session: June 13 - July 14, Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m.
Great Opportunity for Students to Get in Shape and Have Fun During the Summer! This June and July, teens 12-17 years old can join the LA YMCA for FREE! In addition to taking advantage of all the Y's amenities, including swimming pools and basketball courts, thanks to a partnership with the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, and LAUSD, parents and kids can count on the Y this summer for nutritious free meals, part-time job opportunities, awesome programs and exclusive events just for teens. The name of the program is LA Y "Get Summer" Teen Initiative.
Obstacle Course Race Champs! Congratulations to Ms. Bishop's homeroom for winning the Obstacle Course Race Competition! The students won a pizza party. We want to thank everyone who participated in this event. See pics/video inside.
Teacher Appreciation Day Luncheon Thank you teachers for alll the hard work you do!!! See pics inside.
We Did It! New Total for Jog-A-Thon Sets a New King Record: $60,225.97! 2016 TSK Jogathon was a HUGE success, with more than $60K raised for the entire school!! Thanks to all the students, teachers and staff for working so hard for the event. A special thanks to all the parent volunteers who came out to support the students. GO KING!!!
Multiple Digital Voice Award Winners! Ms. Hoefer, Ms. Cimino and Mr. Palayan student Films win Awards!
King Girls Attend STEM Conference at Mount St. Mary's University! Ms. Wills' students attended a STEM Conference at Mount St. Mary's University that is intended to inform young women about careers in math/science related fields. It is aimed at girls in grades 5-8. The girls participate in hands-on workshops such as dissecting pigs hearts, isolating DNA, genetics, neuroscience and math.
Testing starts on Monday, May 2nd and ends on Friday, May 27. Families: please make sure your child has a good night sleep and a healthy breakfast! Click on the headline for more information.