Aviles, Monica » Class Assignments

Class Assignments

Where can I find class assignments & homework?
  • Class assignments, schedules, updates, warm ups, and notes can be found and turned in through Google Classroom.
Where do I go to find out what needs to be done for homework?
  • What needs to be done for homework will be posted daily in Schoology under the calendar section.
What will Schoology be used for?
  • To find out what needs to be done for homework (The actual assignments will be done and turned in using Google Classroom.)
  • To view grades  
  • To view messages 
  • To send messages to the teacher
  • To send messages to other class members
  • To look at assignments (under materials)
  • Schoology should be checked daily!
What will Google Classroom be used for?
  • To find assignments, work on them, and turn them in
  • To look at powerpoints, videos, take notes, take part in discussions, listen to recordings, handouts
What other platforms will we be using this year?
  • Flipgrid: for student presentations 
  • Nearpod: for interactive lessons 
  • Padlet: for exit tickets, interactive discussions, student polls
  • Kahoot! : for review 
  • Brain Pop: for Independent practice & review