Olivas, Lola » 8th Grade Social Studies Course Syllabus

8th Grade Social Studies Course Syllabus

Thomas Starr King Middle School


Ms. Lola Olivas


Welcome to Eighth Grade Social Studies!


What will we be learning in Social Studies? In 8th grade Social Studies we will be learning about the inception of what is the present day United States. We will learn about this country from Colonial times to the Age of Industry and the Civil War.

Examples of areas of the US History that we will study

  • Foundations of American History
  • The Constitution of the United States
  • Slavery & the Abolitionist Movement
  • Civil War and Reunion
  • The Age of Industry


What textbook will we be using? At the beginning of the school year, students will be assigned Impact California Social Studies United States History & Geography: Growth & Conflict. They are responsible for the care and the return of the assigned book at the year’s end. I will also be providing the students with supplementary reading materials from the History Alive! textbook as well as various other sources.


What materials will I need?

You will need the following:

  • -A notebook (to be used solely for History)
  • -loose-leaf paper
  • -several pencils
  • -colored pencils

-PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING YOUR IPAD & CHARGER TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY. This is important since we will be using the IPAD to read, to do work, and to submit assignments. Please also send extra face masks.  These materials need to be brought to school daily.


How will I be graded? All grades will be based on points from quizzes, tests, classwork/homework, participation, and projects.

The grading scale is as follows:

         90-100                A      60-69                  D

         80-89                  B      59 and below      F

         70-79                  C

Cooperation Grades. Students do not only receive grades for academic work, they also will receive a mark for classroom cooperation.

Here are the criteria for the Cooperation marks:

E= excellent attendance, active participation, high work completion

S=good attendance, inconsistent participation, misses a few assignments

U=poor attendance, infrequent participation, many missing assignments


Classwork/HomeworkTypically, I will not be assigning written homework. The students will be given time in class to complete all assigned work. But if the work is not completed in the time allotted, the student will need to complete the work AT HOME.

The only consistent homework the students will have is reading and studying.

All students will be asked to record their work, test, quizzes, projects in their planner.


Special Projects: Special projects will be assigned throughout the year.  Each project will require planning and research. Other requirements may be given when the project is assigned. Projects are counted as a performance grade. Some projects will be done in class, while others will be done at home.


Submitting assignments: All student work will be turned in through GOOGLE CLASSROOM. I will only grade work turned in through GOOGLE CLASSROOM.


Grades: Please note that all grades will be posted in Schoology.


Absences and homework/tests

When you miss a day of school due to illness, it is your responsibility to see me to make up the work missed.  If you miss a quiz or exam you are to make it up within two days of returning to school. Major projects are due on date assigned if you are absent points will be taken off for lateness. 


Parents, please check your child’s planner on a daily basis.

*Please note that work turned in late will not be given full credit. Points will be marked off for each day late. Late work will NOT be accepted a week past the due date.



All assignments will also be listed in both Schoology and Google Classroom for both students and parents to see.  Parents, please check your child’s Google Classroom or Schoology accounts on a regular basis to keep track of their progress and ensure they are completing their work.

PLEASE NOTE that all parents are able to create their own Schoology account through the LAUSD Parent Portal to view their child’s progress in all their courses.


Did you know that “sharing” homework or test answers is considered cheating? All students caught sharing answers will automatically receive a zero for that specific assignment. If you are asked for answers, just say “NO.” Help your friends by giving them tips on tough questions or by encouraging them to talk to their teachers for extensions or help.


Need to get in touch with me? The quickest way to contact me is via email at [email protected] or you can message me via the online grading system Schoology. If this is not convenient, you may leave a message for me with the office at King MS. 323.644-6700. Your call should be returned within 24 hours.


A few more things…No food/gum or beverages are allowed in class.  Cell phones must be turned off while in class. Also please note that the use of a face mask is highly recommended while in the classroom as per LAUSD District Policy.