Arts at King Bloom in June

In June, King will be having many, many activities. The three discussed here have to do with the arts.

On Saturday, June 11th, at 4:00 p.m., Mr. Abee's Writers' Club will be doing a poetry reading and selling their poetry anthology at the Skylight Bookstore on Vermont.

On Sunday, June 12,th there will be the 2nd Annual Animation and Film Festival at the Vista Theater at 10:00 am. Students, their families, and guests will view the films made in Mr. Palayan's and Ms. Martin's classes. Students whose films are being shown will receive The Starlight Award.

On Monday, June 20th there will be The Magnet Art Show from 4:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. It will include fine arts pieces as well as samples of art integrated into the instruction in history, math, English, science, technology, and electives. There will be performances by a student pianist, singer, drummer, and winners of the Poetry Slams. Students who prepared portfolios and who were accepted into the County High School of the Arts will be presenting their work. The art show will be open to all staff, students, parents and other members of the community.