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Does your child ever do poorly on a test, even when she studies? Does it take her hours to complete homework in a subject she usually does well in?
There could be many reasons for this. As a parent, one of the first things to check is whether your child can concentrate at home or whether she is distracted.

You can’t turn your home into the quiet room of a public library. But you can make an effort to:
  • Maintain quiet during study time. Help younger siblings find something to do. Keep music and TV off or low.
  • Give your child something to eat and drink before study time.
  • Keep light and temperature at comfortable levels.
  • Keep your child away from the TV, phone and computer, except during scheduled study breaks.
  • Have a no visitor’s policy during study time. Sometimes children study with friends. But your may have to keep a closer eye to make sure they are studying and not just visiting
  • Pay attention to whether something is bothering your child. Encourage her to talk about it before studying. Brainstorm solutions together so your child can study without worrying. Sometimes your child may feel too much stress from her day to go right into studying. A brief period of exercise can help clear her mind. Source: John R. Ban, Parents Assuring Student Success (PASS): Achievement Made Easy By Learning Together, ISBN: 1-879639-25-4 (Indiana University), (c) 2007, The Parent Institute, a division of NIS, Inc