"Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" - April 26

“Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day,” sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for Women, is to provide students between the ages of eight through sixteen years of age with first hand experiences to become aware of the skills, knowledge and educational requirements that are demanded in the workplace and to explore 21st century career opportunities and occupations.

This event will provide parents with opportunities to encourage their child to see and experience the world of work and broaden their career horizons. As an outcome of spending one day at work with a parent, grandparent, sibling, neighbor, or other adult, the goal of the day is to help heighten aspirations and instill the belief in every child that with effort and achievement, they may realize their goals.

Revolutionizing the Workplace is the 2007 theme. Observing this day in school and at home can create a means for students to:
  • Connect their school work with the real world
  • Figure out how their future work, home, and community life fit together
  • Explore a variety of job options and learn the types of things they like to do
  • Learn about the work their parents, mentors, and/or other relatives conduct and its importance to the workplace
  • Learn about the workplace—how it functions, its goals, mission, products and services