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The Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office has joined forces with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to help fight chronic absences. Together they have created Operation Bright Future (OBF), a truancy prevention program. The program teaches parents about their legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend school through the use of letters, general assemblies, hearings, School Attendance Review Team (SART) and School Attendance Review Board (SARB). The program will be targeted at sixth grade students. As a last resort, OBF will prosecute parents who do not send their children to school. The goal of the program is to keep children in school, not to prosecute parents. Prosecution will be the tool of last resort when efforts to educate and assist the family in improving attendance have failed.

Attendance Counts for Everyone (ACE) will be implemented to work with seventh and eighth grade students. The ACE program functions the same except that there will be no involvement by the City Attorney’s Office. This program will also follow a series of escalating actions that has the goal of keeping students in school.

TS King Middle School students will get more information about both attendance programs at general school assemblies. Representatives from the City Attorney’s Office will present information about the OBF program. The OBF program general assembly will take place October 12 at 3:30 pm in Room 136.

The ACE Program Parent meeting is scheduled for October 12 at 5:00 pm in the Auditorium.

Source: Mrs. G. Hernandez, PSA Counselor