Dear Parents:
Please discuss this message with your child.

This is a message for our students:  Make Your Parents and King proud of you!

In our planner, we speak of respectful treatment of everyone in school.  This also pertains to that same respect in the home and community.
  • Do not take your parents for granted.  They work for a better life for you. 
  • Have respect for your parents in the things you think, say and do.  They will, in turn, return that respect.
  • Take responsibility for chores around the house, as you are also a member of the family.  Your responsibility at school is to be a good student.
  • When you are out in the community, (riding the Metro, eating at a restaurant, going to the movies, enjoying a theme park) show the same  respect for those around you.
This is a message for our parents:

Again, in reference to respectful treatment, we, as adults, need to model this behavior for our impressionable students at home. They are our future. Besides working as an educator every day, my husband and I raised our two wonderful children. This was a challenge as we were tired from work, but we made the time to:
  • Assist them with their daily homework from school
  • Monitor their planners for organization and completion
  • Follow up on their homework and project due dates
  • Discuss school decision-making matters with them
  • Find time for each individual child, solely for them
  • Know the whereabouts of our children at all times
I am looking for an excellent Parent Workshop Series for you.  It is called "Raising Children in Troubled Times".  When I have it available, I will announce these workshops through our Parent Center.  It helped me and I know it will support your efforts at home being a parent to your children.

Thank you for your efforts in providing guidance for your child through difficult times. The Middle School Years are critical and we are their mentors, the home and school.

Sincerely Your Principal,
Charlene Hirotsu