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Culmination Video Ceremonies - Links available NOW

Links to the 2020 Culmination Video Ceremonies are now available on KSNC, and are also accessible here.

A tremendous shout out to Ms. Rinaldi, Mr. Craig, and Ms. Concebida for their tireless efforts in producing these videos and capturing memories that will last a lifetime. Congratulations, Class of 2020!

Environmental STEAM Magnet

Film and Media Magnet - All-Starrs

Film and Media Magnet - Film Starrs

Gifted Arts and Technology Magnet

The video ceremonies are pre-recorded and the links will be available through the summer, allowing you to schedule a time that works best for your family to view and celebrate. To make the experience a little more personalized and memorable, we have four separate videos/links, one for each of our Vertical Teams. The Certificate of Completion (or “Diploma”) will be mailed home.

Though this is not the finale any of us envisioned, do know that we appreciate your understanding and support in the era of COVID-19. We hope that your child is able to take the experiences they had throughout their years at King MS to propel them forward as they start their high school journey. We wish you continued success and well-being!


Los videos de las ceremonias son pre-grabados y los enlaces estarán disponibles todo el verano para que puedan organizar un tiempo para que ustedes juntos con sus familias puedan mirar el video y celebrar juntos con su estudiante!  Para hacer que la experiencia fuera aun mas personalizada y memorable, tendremos cuatro videos distintos para cada uno de los equipos Magnet.  El Certificado de Finalización será enviado a sus casas. 

Aunque este no es el final al año escolar que nosotros imaginamos, sepan que agradecemos muchísimo su comprensión y apoyo durante el tiempo de Covid-19.

Esperamos que su hijo/a pueda usar sus experiencias que tuvieron durante sus años aquí en King MS, para salir adelante y comenzar su trayectoria académica en high school.

Les deseamos muchísimo éxito y un bienestar continuo!