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Civil Unrest

Good Evening King Families,

I wanted to reach out to all of our families to express on behalf of myself and our entire King Staff the anger, sadness and outrage at the tragic sequence of events in Minneapolis last week resulting in the killing of George Floyd.  As our country continues to struggle with the complex and hurtful elements that result from the effects of ongoing systemic racism and implicit bias, I want to make certain that we here at Thomas Starr King take advantage of the opportunity every day to be better and do better in how we treat one another.

We cannot resolve all of our nation’s ills and conflicts in isolation, but I do strongly believe that we can continue to take steps to develop a foundation of trust, love and mutual respect that can serve as an example to our immediate, surrounding community and beyond.

I have included in this correspondence a message from our Superintendent, Austin Beutner that shares very clearly the perspective of our district, its entire community of employees and its partners. 

I know we are in the midst of confronting and coping with Covid-19 and now additionally, this latest tragedy and the civil unrest that has erupted as well.  I know these times are very difficult and even frightening for all of us, but we will prevail if we unite, find common ground and commit to supporting one another.

We will work towards that every day, together as a school community.

Thank you, stay safe and be well.



Mark Naulls, Principal



Buenas noches Familias de King,

Quería tomar un momento para dirigirme a todas nuestras familias y expresar en nombre mío y el de todo el equipo de King, nuestra inmensa indignación, tristeza y consternación frente a los trágicos acontecimientos sucedidos en la semana pasada en Minneapolis a resultado de la muerte de George Floyd.  Puesto que nuestro país continua luchando con múltiples elementos  complejos que resultan de el racismo sistémico y los sesgos implícitos .  Les quiero asegurar que aquí en Thomas Starr King aprovechamos de cada oportunidad para tratarnos mejor los unos a los otros. 

Aunque no podemos remediar todos los males o conflictos del mundo aisladamente, creo firmemente que podemos tomar los pasos necesarios para desarrollar los cimientos de una base de confianza, amor y respeto mutuo que puede servir como ejemplo para nuestra comunidad y mas allá.  En esta comunicación he incluido un mensaje de nuestro Superintendente, Austin Beutner, que evidente respalda el punto de vista de nuestro Distrito, su  comunidad entera de empleados y asociados. 


Mark Naulls, Director